Basic usage
Examples using functions and mixins directly on SASS. Considering that all examples below wil usse this registered grids.
Registering grids
Example of generated grids calculation when registering them. This elements are just created as a test purpose, just to show the values registered reflected on a visual platform. This gridsystem won't make any box modelling, so it won't place any float
, inline-block
, etc.
This example will register a 2 column flexible grid with 10px gutter:
@include gs-register-grid( "mobile", 100%, 2, 10px);
Note that gutter will only be used as a variable. It won't be calculated together with the columns.
Next grid will be registered as a fixed 12 column with 974px and 10px gutter:
@include gs-register-grid( "desktop", 974px, 12, 10px);
Columns and gutters
Use gs-column()
to get column values. Next example shows a simple implementation of column:
1 column from previously registered mobile
.example-mobile { width: gs-column(1, "mobile"); }
<div class="example-mobile"> I'm 50% large </div>
1 column from previously registered desktop
.example-desktop { width: gs-column(1, "desktop"); }
<div class="example-desktop"> I have 66px </div>
Box modelling and extra values
It's possible to add an extra value to gs-column()
. For example, use gs-gutter()
do get gutter value for specific grid:
.example-3 {
float: left;
width: gs-column(3, "desktop", gs-gutter(1, "desktop"));
.example-3-gutter {
float: left;
width: gs-column(3, "desktop");
margin-right: gs-gutter(1, "desktop");
.example-auto {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-3"> 3 columns </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-3-gutter"> 3 columns + gutter </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
- Just example show that the box-modelling is made by the developer;
This will return the gutter value registered for
grid; - Example to show that the developer has the freedom to use the desired technique, in this case, having a fluid element instead of setting "9 columns".
There are some mixins that can be used to help on box modelling, responsive lay-outs and generation of classes.
For continuous lists, such as product lists, there's a mixin called gs-row
that will apply a negative gutter to the element and a fixed width, if necessary.
The example below shows a list with 3 columns per item with a holder with a fixed-width of the full desktop
grid. It's possible to hover to check that the element ul
is with a negative margin and each li
have a positive margin, giving the impression of gutters only between the elements:
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
- item
.example-list {
@include gs-row(gs-column(all, "desktop"), "desktop");
> li {
width: gs-column(3, "desktop");
margin-left: gs-gutter(1, "desktop");
<ul class="example-list">
<li> item </li>
Note that the example is ignoring the box modelling to make the gridsystem implementation clearer.
Media queries
The mixin gs-media-query
can be used when aplying media queries directly inside CSS output:
@include gs-media-query("desktop") {
.example-class {
width: gs-column(2, "desktop");
padding-right: gs-gutter(1, "desktop");
Will output into:
@media screen and (max-width: 974px) {
.example-class {
width: 154px;
padding-right: 10px;
For now that's a very simple implementation that only allow to change $media
and switch between max-width
and min-width
using $type
@include gs-media-query("desktop", "screen", "min-width") {
.example-class {
width: gs-column(2, "desktop");
padding-right: gs-gutter(1, "desktop");
This will just change the max-width
to min-width
@media screen and (min-width: 974px) {
.example-class {
width: 154px;
padding-right: 10px;
The $break-point
parameter inside gs-register-grid
will just be used on this mixin. If the project will use media queries on HTML tag link
, this can be ommited.
Generating classes
It's possible to generate classes based on a previously registered grid. For now, there's 4 types of classes that it generates: row
(for wrappers), col
(with width) and push
(with margin-left and margin-right). Note that they don't have the responsive behaviour by default.
@include gs-classes("desktop", "d-");
Note that d-
will be used as the class prefix.
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-12"> 12 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="d-col-11"> 11 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-2"> 2 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-10"> 10 cols</div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-3"> 3 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-9"> 9 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-4"> 4 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-8"> 8 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-5"> 5 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-7"> 7 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-6"> 6 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-6"> 6 cols </div>
By default, classes are generated width, margin and float techniques. It's possible to pass a $float: false
parameter and only width and margin will be applied. Eg.: @include gs-classes("desktop", "d-", $float: false);
, in this case all positioning needs to be configured manually.
It's also possible to use spacing classes. Considering the registration on the above example, spacing left would be made as:
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-12"> 12 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-11 d-push-prev-1"> 11 cols </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-10 d-push-prev-2"> 10 cols </div>
... go on "d-push-prev-3", d-push-prev-4"...
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-1 d-push-prev-11"> 1 col </div>
And spacing it to the right:
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-1 d-push-next-10"> 1 col </div>
<div class="d-col-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-2 d-push-next-9"> 2 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-1"> 1 col </div>
... go on with "d-push-next-8", "d-push-next-7"...
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-10 d-push-next-1"> 10 cols </div>
<div class="d-col-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="d-row">
<div class="d-col-12"> 12 cols </div>
Example with mobile grid:
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-2"> 2 cols </div>
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="m-col-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-2"> 2 cols </div>
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-1 m-push-prev-1"> 1 col <em>push prev 1</em> </div>
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-1 m-push-next-1"> 1 col <em>push next 1</em> </div>
<div class="m-row">
<div class="m-col-2"> 2 cols </div>
Advanced usage
Fractionated values
It's also possible to add fractionated columns if there's any need to do so. Example below with 1/2 column:
.example-1 { width: gs-column(1, "desktop"); }
.example-1-2 { width: gs-column(1/2, "desktop"); }
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-2"> ½ </div>
<div class="example-1-2"> ½ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
And the example below with 1/3 columns:
.example-1 { width: gs-column(1, "desktop"); }
.example-1-3 { width: gs-column(1/3, "desktop"); }
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
Only use fractionated columns if your columns are divisible by the values you are trying to get. Usually grids have columns divisible by 2 and 3, so in this case only 1/2
, 1/3
and 2/3
Note that fractional values ignore gutter inside the columns. Follow the rule for columns with numbers divisible by 2 and 3. So 1 column + 1/3 will consider the gutter between the 2 columns, but the next should be fluid or fractal too:
.example-1 { width: gs-column(1, "desktop"); }
.example-1-2 { width: gs-column(1/2, "desktop"); }
.example-1-1-2 { width: gs-column(1 + 1/2, "desktop"); }
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="example-1-2"> ½ </div>
<div class="example-1-2"> ½ </div>
<div class="example-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-1-2"> 1 + ½ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-1-2"> 1 + ½ </div>
<div class="example-1-1-2"> 1 + ½ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
.example-1 { width: gs-column(1, "desktop"); }
.example-1-3 { width: gs-column(1/3, "desktop"); }
.example-1-1-3 { width: gs-column(1 + 1/3, "desktop"); }
.example-1-2-3 { width: gs-column(1 + 2/3, "desktop"); }
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1-3"> ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1"> 1 col </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-1-3"> 1 + ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-1-2-3"> 1 + ⅔ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-1-3"> 1 + ⅓ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>
<div class="example-wrapper">
<div class="example-1-2-3"> 1 + ⅔ </div>
<div class="example-auto"> I'm width "auto". </div>